Morning News Round Up 9th July 2014

Good morning Press-Starters, or in this case Early-Starters.

Today I am going to try something a little bit new. An experiment if you will. I have condensed the major gaming news into one easily digestible page. No wasted time looking at videos, no flicking through all the news feeds. Just the valuable points for you to peruse as you smash through your morning coffee.

And here. We. Go !

Destiny – Bungees’ Destiny seems to be the hot topic on every gamers list and its obvious why, it looks and plays well but now Nintendo owners are calling out for their version. A petition has been started at . The Wii U, I feel would be certainly capable of handling this game as well as reaching a much further audience.

Hyrule Warriors – Fi confirmed as a playable character and alternate costumes are revealed. Really no surprise to any who put any thought into it but it is always excellent to have your thoughts confirmed. Thanks to Junkie Monkeys who had a translated version of the original info on Famitsu. Alternate costumes are a Skyward Sword theme of Link and Zelda, keeping to the tune of Fi’s reveal.

Assassins Creed Unity In an extremely ridiculous rumour AC: Unity may be taking it all digital and scrapping the disc (don’t get me started on how stupid this is). After initial support for Microsofts DRM and their constant push for always being logged into Uplay makes sense really, in an evil diabolical way. has the full details.

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The Evil Within Perhaps the best news story of the day. In anticipation for the upcoming release of The Evil Within, Bethesda have announced that they will be running a blood drive during the QuakeCon gaming event. In conjunction with The American Red Cross the drive will take place on July 18/19 at the Hilton Antole Hotel in Dallas, Texas.

Drive Club A PS4 and Drive Club bundle has been announced by the Europe Playstation Blog. The bundle will give you a PS4 console, A Dualshock 4 and a copy of Drive Club.

Twin Souls (pictured) “Twin Souls combines the essence of stealth classics like Tenchu with the modern approach of recent gems like Mark of the Ninja and Dishonored.” Taken from the blurb on their Kick-starter. It is aiming for a release on PC/Mac/Linux/XboxOne/Ps4/WiiU.

Minecraft has sold over 16 million copies just for PC. Imagine what that tally would be taking console sales into count. You can check the official counter on

Titanfall Respawn Entertainment revealed number two of a planned three DLC packages titled “Titanfall: Frontiers Edge” bringing three new maps to the game: Export, Dig Site and Haven. Available as a standalone purchase and available to season pass holders. No release date as of yet.

Blue Streak A new F2P shooter has been announced by Cliff Bleszinski (famous for his work on Gears of War). A Sci-Fi Arena shooter, no trailer was given just the title and a small snippet of details. IGN has the details.