Kojima Has Launched Connect For Australia To Raise Money For The RSPCA

Kojima Productions has teamed up with the Australian RSPCA to raise money to aid in the recovery from the devastating bushfires over the past few months. As such, the Kojima Productions online web store has recently been updated with two special edition items, created especially for the relief efforts and featuring the design below:

The special edition t-shirt and PSN avatar feature a Death Stranding inspired design with strands connecting the major cities of Australia to each other and to the rest of the world.

The t-shirt is available for USD$25 in sizes S-XXL and the avatar is available for your choice of donation value ranging from USD$1-USD$50. The product code will be sent via e-mail to those who have purchased the avatar starting from March 1st but the t-shirt will incur a pretty hefty international shipping fee for Australian shoppers. You can grab the products HERE.

Published by
Camilla Wolfe