Horizon Forbidden WEst LEGO

A Horizon Forbidden West LEGO Set Is Officially On The Way

It was rumoured some months ago and it’s now been confirmed. Following in the footsteps of the LEGO Super Mario range and the recent Sonic set, an official Horizon Forbidden West LEGO set is on the way.

The special Horizon Forbidden West LEGO set will include 1,222 pieces when it releases on May 22nd for $129.99 AUD. We’ll let you know as soon as it’s available to pre-order.

The set includes a Tallneck (which takes up a lot of the set), an Aloy minifigure, a few other machines and some decorations from the Horizon universe.

Horizon Forbidden Westr

From the official listing: Part of the LEGO sets for adults, the Horizon Forbidden West LEGO Tallneck uses clever building techniques to capture the machine’s authentic details, and measures over 34 centimeters (13.5 inch) high. You can display the Tallneck on a stand with details from the Horizon landscape, such as a birch tree and a rusty traffic light. Also included is a LEGO Aloy minifigure featuring her bow and spear, and even a Watcher with either blue, yellow or red eyes.

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Horizon Forbidden West releases this Friday for PS5/PS4. We gave it a 10/10 and you can read our full review HERE. Amazon has the cheapest price at $78 with free shipping (PS4 version) and $98 with free shipping (PS5 version).