Easily the most exciting reveal during this morning’s PlayStation State of Play was a brand-new, fully-fledged Astro Bot 3D platformer headed to PlayStation 5 on September 6th this year.
Aside from looking like an adorably-good time, the announcement trailer showed us that the game will continue the tradition of being packed full of PlayStation references from iconic characters to consoles and accessories.
For a bit of fun I’ve scoured the trailer myself, picking out as many of these references as I could. Most are pretty obvious, but there’s some deep cuts towards the end. I’ve also probably missed some, so let me know if you’ve seen anything I haven’t! But otherwise, take a look at the ones I’ve found below:
A Few Friends
- Spike and monkey (Ape Escape)
- Kratos and Atreus (God of War)
- Aloy (Horizon)
- Nathan Drake (Uncharted)
- Ratchet and Clank (Ratchet and Clank)
DualSense Controller – Astro’s preferred mode of transport
Uncharted – Nathan Drake doing Nathan Drake things
Journey – What a game
Ico – Self-explanatory
Parappa the Rapper – Also self-explanatory
PS5 console – Even more room for interstellar activities
Shadow of the Colossus – Wander, Agro and Mono
Ratchet and Clank – Ratchet being beamed up
God of War – Kratos and his mighty Leviathan axe
A whole bunch of PlayStation hardware and accessories including:
- PS1 console
- PSOne console
- PlayStation Controller
- PocketStation
- PlayStation Multitap
- PlayStation Mouse
- PS2 console
- DualShock 2
- EyeToy
- PS3 console “fat”
- PS3 console “slim”
- PS3 Eye Camera
- PlayStation Move Controller
- PlayStation Move Navigation Controller
- PlayStation Move Gun Controller
- PlayStation Move Sharp Shooter
- SingStar microphone
- PS4 console
- DualShock 4
- Aim Controller
- PSP console
- UMD disc
- Buzz Controller
- PlayStation VR2
Everyone again for good measure – Atreus, Kratos, Spike, Aloy, Nathan Drake and LocoRoco!
Phew! There are probably (definitely) some I’ve missed, too, so be sure to let me know what else you spot!
You can go hunting for references in the Astro Bot Announcement trailer below: