Nintendo Has Revealed Bowser’s Actual Age And I’m Having A Crisis

Bowser is a millenial.

In a revelation that has absolutely made/ruined my day, Nintendo has seemingly revealed that Bowser is canonically 34 years old.

Thanks to a help video published by Nintendo of America, that’s technically unlisted as it’s intended for embedding in their support pages, Bowser’s real age has seemingly been revealed – along with a bunch of his other personal details including a (sadly not real) email address, but never mind that.

The video walks users through setting up a Nintendo account, using the mighty Bowser, as well as Bowser Jr, as examples. Once things get to the age verification stage, Bowser’s full birth date is revealed as February 5th, 1989, making him 34 years of age. I also turn 34 this year, so this information has messed me right up and also revealed a lot about why I am the way that I am. I wonder if he also owns a bunch of unbuilt LEGO sets, including one of himself.

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For what it’s worth, Bowser Jr’s birthday is March 3rd, 2011, making him 12 years old. That also leads us to the conclusion that, if we assume that Koopas have a similar reproductive cycle and egg development period to regular turtles, Bowser Jr was conceived when Bowser was just 21 years old.

It’s wild to think that Bowser himself is younger than the first game he appeared in, with Super Mario Bros launching on the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1985. But it’s also nice to know that someone at Nintendo is keeping track of these characters’ birthdays. It also makes it all the more impressive that the dude is a millennial who owns an entire castle when I’m stuck paying $2500 a month for a one-bedroom apartment.