A new update for Overwatch has today gone live in the main client, bringing a host of changes to the game as well as a new map.
Most prominent of the balance tweaks is a number of nerfs to Genji, a hero which many in the community had considered overpowered for some time.
The changes cut down on his mobility by removing a triple jump feature. Other changes nerf both his dash skill and his ultimate. It’s hoped that the changes will cut down on the hero’s almost universal representation in high level ranked play, with the meta before the patch often boiling down to “who has the better Genji.”
The patch also sees the implementation of a new ranked system for Overwatch. This comes alongside the launch of Season 2 of ranked play. The new system changes the rating system from a 1-100 scale to 1-5000. These new ratings are broken down still further into tiers, ranging from Bronze all the way to Grandmaster.
At the higher ranking tiers, Blizzard has also implemented a rating decay system. Top level players will now need to compete in matches at least once a week or slowly drop in ranking.
The patch also brings the addition of the first new map in Overwatch since the game’s release: Eichenwalde. The new map sees the attacking side pushing into an old castle which was the last stand of a group of high-tech crusaders. Once inside, they must reclaim the armour of the leader of the crusaders.
In addition to the big changes to Genji, many other heroes have been tweaked in the new patch, with Zenyatta in particular recieving a substantial nerf to the damage of his Discord Orb. To see the full list of changes, check out the official patch notes.