With E3 beginning later this week, the team got together to pen down their hopes, wants and needs from each publisher. You can find every single press conference time and date HERE.
I think it’s fairly obvious what Sony is going to serve up for the most part, so I’m just going to talk about what I want. I really want a new Ape Escape game and I’d be interested to see Sony go head to head with Nintendo with another PlayStation Battle Royale game. Speaking realistically, I hope Sony show more of the Medievil remake as it’s one of my favourite games of all time.
PlayStation hasn’t held back with quality announcements in recent years, but they’ve certainly kept planned release dates close to their chest. Days Gone is slated for Q1/Q2, which I think means it will get a March release date confirmed in a more complete story trailer. I think we’ll get a snapshot of Last of Us Part 2 gameplay as well, with a Holiday 2019 release date attached to it.
The big game I really want to see is already confirmed to be at the Sony presser, that being The Last of Us: Part II. Here’s hoping we get a good chunk of gameplay and some more news on when Naughty Dog are targeting release. As for other things, I’m really keen to see how Sucker Punch’s Ghosts of Tsushima is stacking up, and would hope to see a big surprise from a third-party dev — maybe something along the lines of Vanquish 2? One can hope.
Sony have slipped back into late PS3 mode. Throwing up high quality title after title to market in between smart marketing deals with 3rd party publishers but not making much progress in terms of quality of life updates or building consumer value in the platform. They have a great lineup of studios and games, despite reducing their portfolio this console generation sadly, but in the run to the PS4 releasing late 2019/early 2020 it is time to forge a deeper bond with the fans so that trust can be relied upon when asking to plonk down another $500 soon. The list of questions continues to grow; backwards compatibility, cross play, PS+ game changes, username changes. At least look like you care about these issues, no matter how small. The games are coming, the games are here, show us the rest of the ecosystem.
Despite the number of well-received and hugely successful first party games that grace the PlayStation 4 on the regular, it always seems like there are just as many that we’re all desperately waiting to play. Death Stranding, The Last of Us Part II, Ghost of Tsushima and Spider-Man are all poised to feature in Sony’s E3 conference this year in a big way, and will no doubt be some of the most memorable games of the show. Personally though, I’m really hoping to see more of Media Molecule’s Dreams and maybe some third party content like Spyro Reignited Trilogy and Red Dead Redemption 2. Oh, and I’m really hanging out to see what Bluepoint are up to, not to mention that Medievil remake.
Sony has laid their hand out in the lead up to this year’s conference. The big four are set to be the focus, so who knows if there’s any room for a few megaton reveals that catch everybody off guard? Could we perhaps see another gorgeous remake along the lines of what we got for Shadow of the Colossus? If we do, I sure hope it’s something from the Jak and Daxter series. Nostalgia pays the bills these days, and if there’s one series that’s near and dear to my heart, it’s that one. Given that Spider-Man’s date is known, hopefully, we at least get release windows for the other three from the big four. Given rumours swirling about how far along The Last of Us II is, I’d love Sony to just drop the mic by saying it’s coming out sooner than later.