Whilst we all tune into E3 for the huge announcements, some of the not so good moments are equally as good. Some of the worst E3 moments have become the most hilarious memes in gaming.Sony’s entire 2006 E3 press conference was a nightmare. Sony clearly thought they were untouchable coming from the success of both the PS1 and PS2. They announced that the PS3 would launch for $599 USD which absolutely shocked everyone. It was $1000 in Australia which seems ridiculous. Needless to say, the PS3 went on to struggle imminently in the early years and it’s largely due to the reaction from this press conference.
Before Nintendo’s 2008 press conference, they obviously felt that they were onto a winner with Wii Music. After their conference, we’re sure this conception changed. The reaction to Wii Music was incredibly underwhelming. The demo went on for far too long with a drummer playing the Wii’s virtual drums for well over a minute, before a full band took to the stage to play World 1 from Super Mario Bros. Whilst Wii Sports was insanely cool, Wii Music was insanely not. The whole demo was incredibly awkward and looked quite silly.
Microsoft’s 2009 press conference was actually running quite smoothly. They’d just announced the Kinect which seemed impressive and was being demoed incredibly well until it wasn’t. Kudos Tsuoda was the driving force behind the Kinect and the person onstage demoing. He wanted to show the audience what the Avatar’s shoe would look like. He made the gesture whilst standing in front of the Kinect before his Avatar absolutely spun out and went crazy. Needless to say, he quickly moved onto the next segment.
Nintendo’s 2009 presentation was one of it’s greatest to date. It revealed Mario Galaxy 2, a new Metroid game and even a new handheld console. It was all going great until they revealed the Vitality Sensor. The peripheral would basically clip to the user’s finger and measure their vital stats. It felt like an incredibly bad April Fool’s joke which left gamers absolutely stunned. It’s safe to say that the Vitality Sensor was never brought up again. It’s a moment that Nintendo would love to forget.
Everybody remembers Mr. Caffeine. 2011 was supposed to be Ubisoft’s celebration of 25 years in gaming. Unfortunately, it will always be known as Mr. Caffeine’s year. Mr. Caffeine who is also known as Aaron Ariceman took to the stage and tried to bring a sense of slapstick comedy to E3 that had never been seen before and hasn’t quite been seen since. He clearly had no idea about games and wasn’t even going to pretend to care. He wasn’t funny at all and left an incredibly sour taste in everyone’s mouth. Aisha Tyler has hosted every single press conference to date, and done quite a respectable job considering.
Microsoft at E3 2013 was an absolute train-wreck. Don Mattock in particular, was coming out with some absolute pearlers whilst being interviewed about the Xbox One. One interview that stands out is the one where Geoff Keighley asked the tougher questions about the Xbox One. When asked about people who may not have great internet connectivity (Like us Australians), Don Mattrick said that anybody without a good internet connection should essentially buy an Xbox 360. It’s important to remember that this was when the Xbox required you to be always-online. E3 2013 was absolutely integral to the Xbox One’s slow start, especially considering what a stellar showing PlayStation had with the PS4.