Nintendo Australia has revealed today an all-new character distribution event for the rare melody Pokémon Meloetta for Pokémon Black, Pokémon White and their respective sequels, starting March 4.
For your chance to score this awesome Pokémon, just head on down to your local participating EB Games, Target, (Australia) and JB Hi-Fi (New Zealand) stores
This all-new distribution event will allow players to download this incredibly powerful normal/psychic Pokémon, who is capable of transforming in even more powerful form if you teach it a special song in-game. In this secondary form, otherwise known as its Pirouette form, Meloetta changes into a normal/fighting type.
New players are able to begin using Meloetta shortly after beginning their journey, so you’ll have an all-powerful Pokémon to help you from the very start!
Just make sure you at least have the Pokédex in-game and have no more than 11 wonder cards. This event applies to copies of Pokémon Black, Pokémon White, Pokémon Black 2and Pokémon White 2.
The Meloetta distribution event runs from March 4 right through to Apirl 19 – so be quick and don’t miss out on your chance to secure this rare Pokémon!