Gearbox have today announced their final piece of dlc for season pass holders to their widely successful first person shooter, role playing game Borderlands 2.
The campaign add on follows a game of Borderland’s version of Dungeons and Dragons named Bunkers and Badasses. This is the largest piece of dlc for borderlands 2 and has been developed solely in house by Gearbox.
Tiny Tina’s assault on Dragon Keep. Will be released on the 25th June for ps3, Xbox and pc.
Tiny Tina was my personal favourite of Borderlands 2, I know a few people that weren’t fans, so I’m interested to know. Does the idea of a Tiny Tina based DLC disappoint you, or excite you? Do you have any ideas for more Borderlands 2? Let us know!
Follow us for more information as it is released.