Thanks to the swift eye of PSNation forum user user ‘100mph’, we may have a potential release date for the already delayed PS4 exclusive #Driveclub. As you may remember, this game was initially set for release alongside the PS4. It was delayed to receive further polish and to fully realise its potential. “Driveclub will be a truly innovative, socially connected racing game, but the team requires more time in order to deliver on their vision – and I’m fully confident the game will surpass your expectations.” Sony’s Shuhei Yoshida stated.
Forum user 100mph stated that he refreshed his Twitter feed to find that the official DriveClub twitter page had tweeted out the release date as the 9th of April. He then went to google the news to see if it had been posted anywhere else and when it hadn’t, he went back to Twitter to see that it had been removed.
I can confirm that the tweet has since been removed and officially the launch date still stands as early 2014. It wouldn’t surprise me if this date is correct as Sony don’t have a whole lot to release after InFamous.