Nintendo News

Nintendo Switch Will Definitely Use Smartphone For Matchmaking and Voice Chat

In an interview with Gamespot, Reggie Fils-Aime has detailed the process and reasoning behind Nintendo opting to use smartphones for matchmaking, creating lobbies and voice chat.

“The smart phone app that we’re creating, that will be part of our online service, we believe is going to be a very compelling part of the overall proposition because that’s how you’ll voice chat, that’s how you’ll do your matchmaking, and create your lobby. We also think it’s a very elegant solution because if you’ve taken your switch on the go, you’ve put yourself in a hotspot, you’re looking at get a quick match of Mario Kart in, to whip out some sort of bulky, gamer headset is a bit of a challenge.” said Fils-Aime

“So we think we’ve got an elegant solution. That’s a very specific answer to your question.” continued Fils-Aime.

Thanks, Gamespot.


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  • I can understand their point of view, even the scenario that reggie uses to highlight their example.. but come on, if you are in a starbucks, using their wifi, why cant you just use chat through the switch.. all this means is that some 3rd party make of plastic add ons with create the switch to chat adapter, letting you have two audio sources in one set of headphones

    • OK, let's be honest: in starbucks, what would be more comftortable - having headphones in your phone which is in your pocket, and playing the switch online with no cords coming out of it - or having a headset plugged into the switch? isn't that far more cumbersome? you'd be playing online at starbucks without everyone knowing you're obviously playing online.

Published by
Shannon Grixti