Playstation News

Naked People Are Appearing All Over Watch Dogs 2

So, at this point, I’ve put somewhere between 10-15 hours in Watch Dogs 2 and absolutely loved it as referenced in our review which is HERE. One thing that I didn’t encounter, which a tonne of other people on the internet appear to be coming across is naked people. We’re not talking about semi-naked people or people with blurred out body parts. We’re talking about full-frontal close-up nudity.

The game doesn’t discriminate either with both the male and female genitalia on full display…


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  • Pfff, so killing people is ok and vaginas aren't? How american. If someone is old enough to legally buy the game and has acess to the internet this person might have seen nudity before...

  • Why wouldn't they jus add the option to turn the nudity off in the options instead of messing with a came that's rating clearly said nudity on it. I'm disconnecting from my WiFi til I beat this game, and screw ubisoft for folding on somthin so dumb

    • You that desperate to see some nude video game models? If you care that much return the game and stop supporting ubisoft.

      • Last I checked when you buy a mature rated game with nudity being listed in the game than yea you might be about to see some grown up stuff, if you don't like it theres plenty of games rated mature without nudity that you can go play or go buy a teen rated game

      • It's the point, no I don't support any kind of censorship in any games. Once it starts where does it stop...I can see real naked people where ever and so can anyone else who picks up the game, that's why it's dumb to do and once you open the door for censorship where does it's already been approved, rated,and released, if you don't see the big deal than your clearly missing the point

  • at least they're keeping the city accurate with their degenerates. Too bad Ubisoft has to censor games to cave in to SJW's. Because one thing we all know about real life hackers is that they LOVE censorship

  • I really dont see what the big deal is, we were all made aware that this game was for the mature demographic and you need to prove that you are at least 18 to purchase the game due to the rating. I dont think they should remove anything. its a game. and like trump says its OK to grab a little "P"

  • What I find sick is how people are reacting to this and not how you can kill an old lady with a billiard ball. That said I enjoy all of it... :D

Published by
Shannon Grixti