Apex Legends Is Getting A New Map And Other Big Changes

It’s time to leave Kings Canyon behind as Apex Legends introduces a lot of big changes for its third season of content. World’s Edge is the name of the new map and, according to a description, the map is a collision of “molten heat and ice”.

It’s set on a new planet called Talos so it’s cool to see the Apex universe growing ever larger.

The map looks like a lot of fun, with geysers acting as launch pads and a bloody moving train that appears to move around the map, assuming the trailer is to be believed.

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The season, named Meltdown, is set to roll out on October 1 and includes the new hero Crypto, who was revealed last week.

Though not a lot is known about Crypto at this stage, the trailer seems to indicate he makes use of drones to inflict pain on enemy combatants. We’re sure to learn more about him sooner than later, given the update is just a couple of days away.