Halo Infinite Is Set To Be A Launch Title For Scarlett

As sure as the sun will rise, Microsoft closed out their conference with a look at Halo Infinite, but not before confirming that it would be coming to the Scarlett as a launch title during the holiday period of 2020.

Though it’s a small slice of the game and doesn’t really give any indication of the direction Halo Infinite will be taking, it’s special to see Master Chief back on screen once again. Despite the trailer giving off ‘soft reboot’ vibes because it does feel like a breath of fresh air for the series, 343 Industries has been pretty firm about it being a sequel to Halo 5: Guardians which wasn’t received well by fans or critics.

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The trailer paints a bleak picture of a universe post-Guardians where humanity, without its beacon of hope, has fallen and lost. It’s clear that a significant passage of time has slipped by since Cortana’s rampancy twist closed out the fifth iteration, so it’ll be genuinely interesting to see where they take the series. That being said, something found Chief and his new pal floating in the void of space, we’d bet our money that Chief’s scorned A.I. isn’t quite done with him yet.

Halo Infinite is releasing for Scarlett late next year, no mention of cross-platform was mentioned so perhaps the only way to play the game is by purchasing the new console. Shades of the original Xbox, which was fortified by Combat Evolved.