During E3 Coliseum 2019, a bunch of details have come out about the direction that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s campaign will be taking. Not only that, Infinity Ward teased the return of Spec Ops and revealed the first two screenshots from the game’s multiplayer.
It’s been said that the campaign will be two halves divided by two characters.
In the first, you’ll play as Sgt. Kyle Garrick, a former British Army Officer who’ll work alongside the infamous Captain Price, who is now being portrayed, likeness and all, by Barry Sloane. Apparently other characters a returning from 2007’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, though they too will be voiced by brand new actors.
We hope Infinity Ward don’t drop the ‘Soap’ for their new campaign.
The second half of the campaign sees you slip inside the ranks of a Middle Eastern cell as a CIA agent known, for the moment, as Alex. He’ll be working alongside Commander Farrah, a rebel fighter whose region has been rocked by the war, prompting her taking a stand.
It was also revealed that another new character, Kyle Garrick, a cohort of Captain Price’s from the counter terror division, would be played by none other than Black Panther’s Chadwick Boseman.
Two screenshots were officially released as part of the brief presentation, which are from the game’s multiplayer.
The first image confirms the return of the Juggernaut suit and along with it Spec Ops, a brilliant co-op mode that challenged players relentlessly in the second and third games of the original Modern Warfare trilogy before being cast aside.
The second shows a pretty crafty sniper hiding in a full Ghillie suit which, thanks to the new engine that has been five years in the works, will sway and move like realistic cloth. It sounds like a pretty nice detail.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare releases October 25, 2019 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC and will feature cross-play across all platforms.