Today at lunch I took a brief opportunity to read up on a few of the upcoming HD remastering/definitive editions or what ever marketing gimmick developers choose to use. I just wanted to share something, that I thought was definitely worth mentioning.
Fortunately enough I stumbled upon to this article featured in Kotaku. The article is about a Youtuber named Noodlespagoodle. Through a simple drag and drop he was able to take portions of the original Bioshock game (which released almost 7 years ago, on a heavily modified Unreal Engine 2) and run them on the Unreal Engine 4.
The results are absolutely breath taking; the detail that exists from a simple drag and drop is unreal (pun intended). Sure it isn’t perfect and the Big Daddy is missing his signature drill but the potential for something wonderful is certainly there. Just take a look for yourself.
With the future of the series clouded in uncertainty, it certainly does provide some comfort that people out there are still as interested in the series as ever! Andrew Ryan’s Rapture was a wonder in 2007 and it left an impression on the gaming world that wont be forgotten any time soon. Needless to say it was a lunch break well spent.