In the day’s most bittersweet news, Half-Life writer Marc Laidlaw has taken to his blog to nonchalantly post what is assumed to have been the plot to the next episode of the Gordon Freeman saga. This perhaps is the last nail in the coffin of the world’s most sought after sequel, but at least with it comes closure of some form.
Unfortunately, Marc’s site has understandably crashed as a cause of intrigued readers but back-ups are everywhere.
The blog, titled “Epistle 3”, cleverly disguises the names of the Half-Life franchises but it doesn’t take a lot to read between the lines and soak up what would have been a grand resolution to one of gaming’s biggest cliffhangers.
Fortunately, someone has done the hard work for us, posting an amended version with all the correct names in place.
As a fan, it’s heartbreaking knowing how great Episode Three would have been.