Xbox Series X
SOURCE: Facebook

Xbox Has Commented On Early Xbox Series X Deliveries As More Aussies Get Their Consoles Early

It’s hard to believe that we’re now less than a week from the launch of the Xbox Series X and PS5, but it’s definitely starting to feel real with more Aussies getting their consoles today.

Xbox Support has commented on the early arrival of consoles telling gamers that they’re welcome to fire up and start gaming, but that they might also see a few hardware and software updates in the lead-up to launch on Tuesday.

It seems that so far Big W has sent out consoles early that have been arriving with customers yesterday and today as others get notification of their consoles shipping out early.

Xbox Support on Twitter had the below to say: 

The team is aware some fans are starting to receive consoles ahead of launch. For those of who receive them early, you are welcome to fire it up & start gaming!

FYI: We are still making final touches for launch so please expect multiple platform and game updates pre-launch.