Blizzard have announced their first expansion pack for Diablo III titled ” Reaper of Souls” slated for a 2014 release. The expansion brings with is all new story content set after the end of Diablo III as well as a new playable class the Crusader. Along side these major additions, a new level cap of 70 as well as improved loot dropping are included in the upcoming update.
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Based on the opening cinematic it looks like this newest addition to the Diablo lore will bring back the darker tones seen in the classic Diablo II: Lords of Destruction, focusing on a more macabre evil this time around in the form of the fallen Archangel of Wisdom, Malthael.
With Diablo III being launched for consoles on the 3rd of September, it is a safe bet that the this upcoming expansion will feature as the first DLC for the console version as well.