Platinum Games’ Hideki Kamiya (Dir. Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101) was at Gamescom to oversee the world gameplay premier of his latest game, Scalebound. Scalebound is an action-adventure hack and slash game similar to previous Platinum titles. It is set on the planet Draconis, a world in which giant dragons roam wild and our main protagonist, Drew, has the power to command one such beast. Considering Kamiya’s impressive history with the genre, Scalebound is hotly anticipated by fans of over-the-top, fast-paced action. Here is gameplay footage of the Xbox One exclusive Scalebound.
Players will be able to customize their dragon’s shape, abilities, and appearance. They will also be able play in a 4-player online cooperative mode with friends, the details of which are yet to be determined.
Scalebound debuts exclusively on Xbox One in 2016.