diablo iv beta

The Diablo IV Beta Is Coming Soon And Here’s How To Access It

Sanctum Needs You!

Late last year, Blizzard revealed the official launch date for Diablo IV on June 6, 2023. Today, they’ve announced official dates for the highly anticipated Diablo IV Early Access and Open Beta.

For those who already have Diablo IV on pre-order, you’ll be able to test the game first on all platforms from Saturday, March 18 through to Tuesday March 21.
The following weekend, an open beta will be available for everyone from Saturday March 25 through Tuesday March 28.

Diablo IV: Beta Access AU Dates

Previous play tests of the game have been focused primarily on end-game content. This play test, according to Blizzard, allows players to experience a deep look into the early game including the Prologue and Act 1 with a level cap of 25. We got to preview this portion of the game in early December last year, you can read all about our experience and first impressions right here.

For those of you eager to hear more about Diablo IV ahead of the beta, Game Director Joe Shely will be joined by Lead Systems Designer Meng Shong and Lead World Designer Art Peshkov for a developer update live on Twitch and Youtube, on Wednesday, March 1 at 6: 00 am AEDT. It’s a bit of an unfortunate time slot for Aussie viewers, so following the live stream, Blizzard will be publishing a blog post recap. You can read also read our interview with Lead Class Designer Adam Jackson and Producer Ash Sweetring right here.

Diablo IV launches on June 6, 2023, on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One and PC. Amazon currently has the cheapest pre-order at $79 with free shipping.

The endless battle between the High Heavens and the Burning Hells rages on as chaos threatens to consume Sanctuary. With ceaseless demons to slaughter, countless Abilities to master, nightmarish Dungeons, and Legendary loot, this vast, open world brings the promise of adventure and devastation. Survive and conquer darkness – or succumb to the shadows.