Nintendo held a mini Direct last night to give us some more information about Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.
Firstly, the game is releasing on November 15th in Australia. Both games will be releasing separately and in a double pack. The new legendary Pokemon are called Zamazenta and Zacian and they’re very good dogs that hold either a sword or a shield.
There’s still a bit of uncertainty around certain areas of the game. A massive area called the Wild Area will feature in the game and this basically acts as the open world hub. What wasn’t clear is whether you’ll be facing wild Pokemon without seeing them, or if they’ll be present in the world similarly to how they were in Let’s Go, or a combination of the two.
A major part of the Direct showcased Dynamax Pokemon which are basically massive Pokemon that evolve from their smaller counterparts for three turns. There will also be a scenario where you can connct with three other players in order to battle Dynamax Pokemon in world events.