Superhot: Mind Control Delete is a standalone rogue-like expansion that is set for release on July 16 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
It’s been a long road to release after being announced and entering early access back in 2017. Almost four years of polish will be worth it for many though with the developer Superhot Team announcing the expansion will be free for people who bought the original game.
The catch is you need to have bought the game, meaning those who have enjoyed Superhot thanks to promotional outlets such as Games With Gold, Twitch Prime or even Game Pass won’t be gifted the expansion.
If you’re quick and decide to purchase Superhot on any platform before the release of Mind Control Delete, you’ll then qualify to get it for free. For those interested, it’s currently on sale for A$14.38 on Steam, a saving of 60%.
Of course, with the expansion not set to release on Nintendo Switch, Superhot Team has a concession prize for those who bought the game on the handheld. If you’re able to provide a copy of your eShop receipt, you’ll receive a DRM-free copy of the PC version for free.
Superhot: Mind Control Delete releases on July 16.