P-Body Fall Guys

Dr Lupo Is Fall Guys’ #TheFallenOne And Got A Portal P-Body Costume Ahead Of Its Release

The Fall Guys team has been looking for #TheFallenOne for the last 16 hours and they finally found him.  Just in case you haven’t been keeping up to speed, #TheFallenOne was someone that the Fall Guys team hand picked for having the best stats in game, in which they awarded the next featured costume ahead of time to (the costume ended up being P-Body from Portal).

It was none other than Twitch streamer, Dr Lupo. This was discovered after the Fall Guys account tweeted out that the user was ‘Fall Guy 1839’. This prompted Dr Lupo to check live on stream, revealing that he was #TheFallenOne.

This resulted in DrLupo revealing the costume which ended up being P-Body from Portal, which is set to become available for the rest of us on Saturday evening.


P-Body Fall Guys