It’s hard to believe after today’s announcement of Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade for PS5, but it looks as though the rumour that Final Fantasy 7 Remake being a PlayStation Plus game for March is true.
On the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade listing on the Japan PlayStation Store, the footnote references Final Fantasy 7 Remake being on PlayStation Plus in March.
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“PlayStation 4 version “FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE” obtained as free play by subscribing to PlayStation Plus cannot be upgraded to PlayStation5 version.”
Interestingly enough, those PS5/PS4 owners that get this game from PlayStation Plus won’t be able to able to get the free upgrade to Final Fantasy 7 Intergrade if you’ve got this version of PlayStation Plus.
This is definitely going to be confusing and begs the question about why they’d even include it in the lineup this month. It does make sense in the fact that it’s expected to come to PC and Xbox in April, so it seems as though PlayStation want to get one last shake of it before it goes to other platforms.
We already know that April’s lineup includes Oddworld: Soulstorm as a free game for PS5 PlayStation Plus subscribers. We still don’t know what else is coming in March or April.