PS5 Scalpers

Scalpers Were Able To Buy Big W’s PS5 Stock Before They Were Even On Sale

Big W was supposed to drop a big chunk of PS5s at 10am AEST today, but the stock made up of apparently 2,000 PS5s looked to have been purchased by a scalping group before they even went on sale. The group were able to access Big W’s backend in order to put the purchase orders through before they were properly available on the website.

Posted to the group’s Instagram Story, 100s of Big W order confirmation emails can be seen along with the words “auto checkout service on Big W this morning. Backend only *shh emoji*.

PS5 Big W

This was then called out by several PS5 stock Twitter users who got confirmation by Big W that these orders would not be honoured, leading to the accounts being called out by the scalping group on Instagram.

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PS5 Stock

In a statement, Big W said:

Thank you for your message. We can confirm an issue occurred on our website today caused by some unsuccessful attempts at placing fraudulent orders. The issue has now been fixed and we can ensure our loyal customers waiting to order PS5 consoles will not be impacted. Stay tuned on our website for future releases.

Once 10:00am hit on the Big W website, they quickly updated it to say that Big W would not be offering PS5 consoles for sale today. It’s unclear, although looks likely that the reason for this was the attack on the website last night.

Big W Waiting Longe