Daybreak Games has revealed that DC Universe Online, the MMO set in (you guessed it) the DC Universe that’s been running strong since 2011 and somehow still has active players on legacy hardware like the PS3, is making its way to modern platforms this year.
The game is slated to release for both PS5 and Xbox Series X “this holiday season,” although curiously the Xbox Series S isn’t mentioned, and will debut alongside gameplay and quality-of-life improvements for the game. Those playing on current platforms like PS4, PS4, PC, Xbox One or Switch will be able to continue their game on the same servers, with the same characters as before when these new versions arrive.
Here’s what was said in the news post on the game’s official blog:
“DCUO is headed to the latest-generation of consoles with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X this holiday season!
“Along with the performance gains found playing natively on the latest and greatest hardware, the team is also working on gameplay and quality of life improvements to match. This initiative is a long-term endeavor that is already underway. You will see some of these improvements launch over the next few months prior to release on the new consoles, some of them at launch, and some of them following over the course of next year. Stay tuned for a future update with more information.
“Now, you may be wondering what this means for playing DCUO with your friends, and let us assure you right away that whether you choose to move to the latest console or stay on your current one, you will still be playing on the same servers with your same characters and friends, and with all of your purchases and achievements seamlessly intact. All you need to do is log in with the same PSN or Xbox account once you have downloaded the game on your new system.”
Here’s a roadmap outlining the content plans for the game over the coming months: