GoldenEye 007 Achievements Have Appeared On Xbox’s Website Which Can Only Mean One Thing

It’s been long rumoured that the classic Nintendo 64 game, GoldenEye 007 looks set to be released on Xbox’s platforms in the very near future. This started earlier this year when Xbox achieve tracking website such as TrueAchievements had Rare developers unlocking achievements for the unannounced game.

Now over the weekend, more developers have started unlocking achievements (some of which have changed) and Xbox’s own official website has started displaying the achievements which can both be seen HERE and below.

It’s pretty clear at this point that this game is returning in some form, but judging by the images, it looks to be a re-release of the original (with online multiplayer compatibility) rather than a remaster such as the one that was in development all those years ago and recently leaked in full. It’s also unclear if this will just come to Xbox consoles or also the Nintendo Switch. Given this was developed by Rare for the Nintendo Switch, it does seem likely it’ll also come to that platform.

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Xbox’s big June showcase is a week away, taking place on next Monday at 3:00am AEST. It seems likely that this is the type of title that could stealth drop at this showcase event, but if not then, it seems like it’s a matter of time at this point.

Obviously we’ll let you know as soon as this happens.

All The Australian Times For June’s Big (Not E3) Gaming Showcases