Lords of the Fallen, the ambitious new sequel to 2014’s… Lords of the Fallen… has finally launched today and while players on PS5 and PC seem to be having a good time with the game (it’s sitting on a respectable 76 on PC and 73 on PS5 on Metacritic) it seems that the game’s Xbox version (which unsurprisingly has no professional reviews listed on Metacritic) is a bit of a mess.
Players on Xbox have reported massive performance issues with consistent frame rate drops and issues with texture detail not loading in among other problems, making it a noticeably worse experience compared to the other platforms.
For their part, CI Games and Hexworks have posted a message on social media promising to bring the Xbox Series X|S versions of the game up to “parity” with PS5 and PC and asking that Xbox players wait for a patch to launch at some point in the near future. The statement reads:
“We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the content creators who have worked with us to enable the rapid deployment of patches, updates, and performance improvements ahead of tomorrow’s exciting launch of Lords of the Fallen.
“As such, PC and PlayStation 5 players will be able to enjoy the game as intended. The Xbox version is currently being updated, bringing it to parity with the other platforms, and the patch will release over the coming days.”
— LORDS OF THE FALLEN (@lotfgame) October 12, 2023
We’ve been playing the game on PC and haven’t experienced any egregious issues along the lines of the Xbox version, and while we don’t have a full review ready quite yet (it’s a big game!) we’ll have it published very soon.
In our last, extensive hands-on preview we said, “With some combat refinement and polishing, this could easily be one of the cooler action fantasy experiences of the year, even if it took a second run at it to find solid ground. ”
Lords of the Fallen is out now for PS5, Xbox Series X|S and PC. Amazon has copies for $89 including shipping.