Apex Legends’ newest season, Eclipse, is set to bring a bunch of new additions to the game when it launches on November 1st (or early morning November 2nd for us Aussies), not only including the new legend Catalyst, but also the new map ‘Broken Moon’, item gifting and stickers.
Broken Moon is the latest map addition to Apex Legends and brings with it more than just another location for players to drop into the games. The moon of Boreas continues the storyline of Seer that players were introduced to a couple of seasons ago, where his birth played a part of an ancient prophecy which foretold of the moon, Cleo, being struck by a comet.
While this collision brought debris and chaos to the world below as well as changing the lives of its inhabitants (who we’ll learn more about later), the Broken Moon also presented a unique opportunity for the trusty folk of Hammond Labs to experiment with terraforming technology. Safety nets were installed to hold together what remained of the shuttered moon to prevent the apocalypse for the planet below, but as the public lost interest in funding their work, they turned more and more to privatisation, and eventually, the lucrative hands of the Apex Games.
Broken Moon lives up to its name by showcasing a variety of biomes across the divided landscape. The Respawn devs set out to create this map with a Heaven and Hell like balance (similar to that of World’s Edge’s Fire and Ice contrast), constructing locations which align with the dark side of the moon’s alien-like, barren and desolate nature in POIs like The Perpetual Core and Breaker Wharf, as well as the light side’s bright, life-inhabiting and warm comforts in Eternal Gardens and Bionomics.
With some POIs set to have a larger feel to soften up the hot drop chaos, players will find themselves with more options to land, more space to share and more loot to gather when dropping with multiple teams, meaning more time to loot and make better, proactive decisions for survival. But for those who love the chaos, rest assured there will still be those sweaty locations to cater to all play styles.
Speaking of size, Broken Moon will come in at being slightly bigger than World’s Edge, but smaller than Storm Point. To navigate the second biggest terrain in the game, players will say goodbye to tritons and hello to the new Zip Rails system providing quick traversal and some rollercoaster-like fun (maybe even some hectic new combat meta).
Season 15 will bring with it the much wanted feature of gifting. Players can share the freshest Apex skins and styles with other players via the new Gifting system.
This will allow players to purchase bundles and cosmetic items in the Store tab for their in-game friends. Come launch, initial items available for gifting will be limited (players will see a ‘Gift’ button alongside items, but this range will be expanded on later. It’s the perfect new addition just in time for the holidays! *starts writing gift list for teammates I constantly carried*
Skins and cosmetics aside, players will be able to show off their style even more come the new season with the introduction of Stickers. The all-new cosmetic category will be equippable on all healing items (hence the new animation updates), allowing players to customise their look and express themselves in-game. At the time of launch, players will only be able to equip one sticker per health item in one locked position.