JB Hi-Fi Black Friday

JB Hi-Fi Is Also Stopping Cash Payments And Has Lowered People Allowed In Stores

In addition to the extra cleaning measures that JB Hi-Fi introduced a week or so ago, the company has also announced some extra initiatives to battle the current COVID-19 pandemic that Australia is dealing with. Starting tomorrow, JB Hi-Fi stores will stop accepting cash payments and customers will have to pay using debit or credit cards. This is similar to the decision that EB Games made earlier today.

In addition to this, they will only allow a maximum of 100 people in store at any given time regardless of the size of the store. This includes staff as well as customers and means that even the largest JB Hi-Fi store will always come under the government’s restrictions on social distancing.

Further to this, they will also clearly mark where customers can stand in stores and similarly for click and collect they will allow you to have a team member sign on your behalf when picking up a package. JB Hi-Fi has also said that there are no changes to delivery services, but drivers are practicing social distancing when goods are loaded and are also making some changes to how they deliver larger items (you can choose to have them not take the packaging off or take away our old items).


Providing a safe environment for our customers and store team members will always be our highest priority at JB Hi-Fi. We also want to do our best during this challenging period to allow our customers to access service, advice and product when they need it. Below you’ll find some information about how we’re managing things in a rapidly and frequently changing environment. We’ll share new information on this page as it comes to hand.

Store trading hours

Store capacity management

We are restricting the number of people (staff and customers) allowed in each store at any given time. All stores will allow a maximum of 100 people at any time, dependant on size. This means larger stores will fall well within and smaller stores will meet the Government recommendations on social distancing.

Queue management at registers

We ask our customers to observe Government recommendations on social distancing whilst waiting in the checkout queues. Please observe a minimum distance of 1.5 metres between customers. We have placed guides within store checkout lanes to help you with this.

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Cashless payment

We will no longer be accepting cash payments. Payment via debit or credit card through our payment terminals will be the only way to make payment in our stores.

Click & collect

We have implemented social distancing practices for click and collect orders to allow you to sign for your order safely. You can choose to:

– Bring your own pen to sign for your order in store, or
– Use the store pen followed by the supplied hand sanitiser, or
– Have our team member sign on your behalf.

Valid ID will still need to be supplied by all customers.

Team readiness and support

We have requested any team member feeling unwell to remain at home. We also encourage our customers who are feeling unwell to also remain at home. We have our teams prepared to respond to any health and safety issues should they arise.

Safe delivery practices

There is currently no impact to our delivery services, however, the safety of our customers and team members, including delivery drivers, is our number one priority.

We have implemented the following so we can continue safely delivering your products:

– Delivery drivers are practising social distancing when goods are loaded.
– Additional hygiene practices have been implemented with emphasis on hand hygiene. All crews carry sanitiser and wipes with their vehicles.
– Delivery crews practice social distancing when performing delivery services, ensuring a minimum 1.5 metre separation from customers.
– We can also arrange no-touch deliveries which will involve delivery of goods to a secure location on your premises – with no unboxing or removal of old product.

Shop online

You may prefer to shop online and use the convenience of our various delivery and click and collect options.

We’d like to thank our customers and teams for their patience and understanding as we work through this challenging period.