pc game pass

A Study Has Revealed Kids Want Game Subscriptions And Currency Over Physical Games These Holidays

Twelve Months of Game Pass, Eleven Thousand Robux, Ten Brand-New COD Skins, and so on. You get the idea.

The Entertainment Software Association (or ESA) has revealed a recent study into video game wishlist trends leading into Christmas, surveying 500-plus children on what they’re hoping to receive as gifts at this year’s holidays.

The study revealed that most kids surveyed are planning on asking for video game-adjacent gifts of some kind this year, and an overwhelming majority of those are seeking digital goodies over physical games or even console hardware.

Feel more with PS5. Beyond the everyday. Beyond extraordinary. Even beyond imagination. Feel it now.

While only a small dataset in service of a larger article from the ESA which hopes to guide parents as they navigate shopping for video game and gaming products this season, there are some pretty stark figures here that show that kids (aged 10-17 in this survey) are after video game subscriptions more than anything else.

The ESA’s published findings don’t elaborate on what “subscriptions” means in this case, whether it’s specifically things like Game Pass or PlayStation Plus or also includes kids chucking the latest Fortnite or Fall Guys battle pass on their letters to Santa, hoping he’ll have their login info and a credit card handy, but it wound up on 39% of lists.

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Gaming consoles came in at a close 38%, while in-game currency was a want for 29% of the kids surveyed. Just 22% were hoping to see unwrap some physical video games on Christmas Day, on the other hand.

“More than 212 million Americans play video games regularly, so it comes as no surprise that games are at the top of this year’s wish lists,” said Stan Pierre-Louis, President and CEO, ESA.

“Whether a family is getting a new console, updating their controllers and headsets or adding to their library with new games and expansion packs, we know video games are a great tool for families to play together and connect during the holiday season and beyond.”