The below guide has been repurposed from our original guide content for The Last of Us Part II and contains images from the PS4 version of the game. Everything contained with in will still apply to The Last of Us Part II Remastered on PS5. Please note that there are spoilers below for anyone yet to play the game.
The Last of Us had comic books scattered throughout the city ruins, while Part II has superhero trading cards. It’s clear that whoever it was living around these parts of Boston and Seattle before the outbreak, they were big ol’ geeks.
Though they’re not as small as Abby’s antique coins, these trading cards are still hard to spot with infected biting into your neck, so we’re here to hopefully help out and provide a bit of insight into where to find them.
If you’d prefer to try your best at finding these or any other collectibles before coming here as a last resort, we’d highly recommend replaying chapters with use of the game’s optional Enhanced Listening Mode and/or High Contrast accessibility settings to make it easier on yourself.
Click on any of the chapters below to see the list of cards, and click a card to be taken straight to its spot in the guide.
› Waking Up
› Patrol
› The Gate
› Downtown
› Eastbrook Elementary
› Capitol Hill
› Channel 13
› The Tunnels
› The Birthday Gift
› Hillcrest
› Finding Strings
› The Seraphites
› The Flooded City
› Pushing Inland
› The Resort
Waking Up
As you turn into the main part of town and seek assurance from Jesse that everything’s okay between you, take a left and find a trading card pinned to the notice board.
After meeting up with Maria and enduring Seth’s apology, turn back and continue around through the bar to find a trading card on the counter next to the dart board.
Once you arrive at the small settlement and decide to start searching houses, climb up on the pick-up truck in front of the last house on the right and climb in through the hole in the wall and turn left to find this card on a bookcase in the closet.
After arriving at the library, which you discover was a base of operations of sorts for Eugene, you’ll go through a door and see an “unlock imagination” poster in front of you. Take the next left behind the counter and in the store room you’ll find a trading card on the shelf.
The Gate
Once Dina proclaims that there are cars nearby, you’ll see a bus stop on the right hand side of the brush. The trading card is pinned to the inner right wall of the structure.
In the trailer where you discover the map of Seattle, find a trading card on the corkboard in the trailer’s other compartment.
After climbing over the hole in the top of the gate and proceeding along the catwalk, there’ll be a ladder inside a circular tower that will take you to the ground. Before you do, turn around and find a second ladder, hidden from sight, that leads up to the top of the tower where a trading card is waiting for you.
After you’ve started the generator, pick up the extension lead and take a step back and to the right so that you’re aiming it over the edge of the trailer, behind the sign. If all goes to plan, you should be able to proceed through the gate and scale the wall. You’ll find a deck chair on the roof surrounded by loot, including a trading card.
Next to the bank there’s a skeletal remnant of a building, Dina even questions its safety as you climb it. Break a window and jump across to the other ledge to access the stairs and make it to the top level. One of the crates will have a funnily named trading card inside.
At the top of the map, near the courthouse, there’s a small diner called Ruston Coffee and it’s in here that you’ll find a trading card inside the drawer under the coffee machine in the back corner.
Once you find the music shop and take in Ellie’s rendition of A-ha’s “Take On Me”, head downstairs and check the drawer beneath the counter with the cash register on it to find a trading card.
Find Gate West 2 behind the music shop on the corner of Madison and Fifth. Slip through the gate and find the safe inside, written on the wall above it instructs whoever seeks the goods inside to simply use the gate code. Enter 0451 and find the trading card inside.
As you walk up the stairs within the Serevena Hotel and spot the body next to the open door, go straight through there and keep on going to the adjoining room. There’ll be two beds here with a cabinet between them, the trading card is inside of it.
Eastbrook Elementary
After leaping from the school rooftop into the nearby apartments, go through the blinds and hop over the upended couch to find another trading card in the bedside cabinet in the bedroom.
Capitol Hill
Once out of the school and back on the ground, you’ll be given a branching path through the neighbouring houses. Take the right path and then turn around once you reach the barbeque area to spot an open door on the blue house, go in and search the drawers in the living room to find a trading card.
You’ll arrive at a motel block and find that the door for unit 03 is locked. Fortunately, you can cut through the neighbouring unit, sneak out the rear window and climb in from the back. You’ll find the trading card on the ground at the foot of the bed.
You’ll encounter a second patrol near a gas station, enter the book shop across the street from it and continue through to the back rooms. Look for the record player, because the trading card will be right next to it.
After the third encounter, you’ll be near another group of establishments including a bank. Find the Olive Street Market and, for your safety, kill the infected in there before exploring the staff area at the back of the store. In a metal locker you’ll discover another trading card.
Once you first see the trip mine in action, head into the liquor store that the Clicker came out of. Head toward the back left corner to find a trading card underneath its own marquee poster, Society of Champions.
Dina will alert you to tripwires near the end of the level, as you follow the path around you’ll see a thrift store on your left called Wellwishers. Navigate the tripwire out the front and find the level’s last trading card on a bookcase that lines the left wall of the store.
Channel 13
Once you precariously walk along the ledge to search the rest of the TV station, head straight past the bodies toward the back right office and you’ll find this level’s lone trading card on the desk.
The Tunnels
After you escape the Clickers and crawl underneath the train carriage, proceed down the dark tunnel and instead of heading, as intended, through the door with the red hue, crouch down next to the train to collect a well hidden trading card.
In the tunnels, if you follow the main path, you’ll eventually arrive at a room labelled ‘Storage’ with a locked cage inside. If you hug the right wall of it, it’s easy enough to hop the desk and crawl under a cut out piece of the wall. The trading card will be on the desk inside the cage.
After you pass the area with the dual Shamblers and barge through the door into the tunnel where daylight is in sight, you’ll cut through a carriage along the linear path of the level. Instead of following the path forward and climbing atop the wrecked carriage with Dina, turn left and crawl underneath the gap of the overturned carriage to find a trading card on a piece of luggage.
The Theatre
From the couch where Dina is resting, head toward the back of the room and hop the curved countertop. Smash the right side of the glass cabinet and crouch to find the trading card on the bottom shelf.
Once you reach the upper level of the theatre, stay true from the stairwell and head down the dark hall. Follow the bend all the way around and find an upturned couch at the end with a trading card on the ground before it.
The Birthday Gift
You’ll enter a display room full of dinosaur fossils once you arrive at the museum. Walk straight ahead and you’ll notice a foyer that leads to some bathrooms, the trading card is on a bench in the foyer.
Once Joel boosts you through the window, follow the path around to a room with a statue of a moose being overcome by wolves. To the right of it, along the wall, is a bench seat, under which you’ll find another trading card.
From your starting position, simply turn around and climb down the ravine and head for the pick-up truck, and a keen eye will be able to spot the trading card through the rear window. Hop down, smash the side window and reach in to snatch another card for your collection.
After seeing the truck full of Wolves driving away and up the hill, the natural path would be to cut through Ruston Coffee. Instead, turn left and head down toward the van covered in overgrowth and the running sewer pipe. Hop up the ledge and enter Caroline Paper Co. and head toward the back of the store to find a trading card in a box.
After using the dumpmaster to climb over the garage and make your way into a bike shop, turn right immediately to find a bike in the corner with a trading card wedged in its spokes.
After hearing the explosion and dealing with the infected in the next immediate area, you’ll hop a fence and find yourself in a residential backyard. To your left will be a small kid’s cubby house and around the rear side of it will be a trading card balanced on the sill.
After your practice session with the bow, you’ll hop another fence into an area heavily populated with Wolves. After dealing with them, head for the top end of the street and explore the last house on the right with the grey door. Head straight up the stairs, turn around and go through the door immediately in front of you. You’ll be in the ensuite of the bedroom that’s hiding a trading card under the bed.
Finding Strings
After setting off with Joel and leaving the horses, you’ll discover your shortcut to the music store isn’t as straightforward as you’d hoped. Before you double back and cut through the hotel, check inside the broken down car at the base of the short hill, there’ll be a trading card on the back seat.
The Seraphites
As you bypass the turnstiles by hoping over the roofing, you’ll come to a sacked convenience mart. Follow the shelves along the right hand side and near the end you’ll find the trading card on the backside of one of the shelves.
Enter the foyer of the conference centre that has “Feel Her Love” written in blood on the wall, turn left and climb up the elevator shaft. Once upstairs, smash out the window and throw the nearby cable over the bent up awning to create a rope swing for yourself to gain access to the locked conference room. At the back, on a couch, will be another trading card.
As you progress down the road, the rear left corner of the area will have an apartment block there. The most direct route, the front door, is locked so if you head around the side, there’ll be a small truck you can climb onto to make your way in through the window. Once inside, head into the bedroom. You’ll know you’re in the right way based on the safe in the closet, so just collect the trading card from the bedside cabinet.
After you climb down the scaffold inside the Comic Expo, head around to the area left of the scaffolding. You’ll spot two windows that lead into a locked office, simply smash one of those out and check the filing cabinet inside for another trading card.
After your narrow escape from the first sighting of the Seraphites, you’ll be forced through another building of apartment suites. Follow the stairs up, and go around to your left. In a corner you’ll spot some kid’s toys and along with them will be a trading card.
As you’re swimming the last stretch toward the hospital, don’t take the right path at the end. Look left and head up those stairs and you’ll find yourself in a pharmacy, right at the other end of the store you’ll find the trading card on the other side of the counter.
Road to the Aquarium
You’ll leave the prop area at the very beginning and step onto the stage, curtains drawn. Look near the equipment on your left to discover the trading card.
As you find your way through the shipping store with Jesse, you’ll reach the end of the corridor. The left door leads to your objective, but you’ll want to crawl under the filing cabinet jammed sideways in the doorway first to discover a workbench and a trading card on the opposite table.
After you finish the swimming section, you’ll arrive at a double-level bookshop and proceed to climb down to the ground level by using the broken pieces of balcony. The lowest part has a channel underneath where you’re able to find a trading card still on the shelf.
Right after plotting to steal the boat, you’ll drop down a level that has branching paths. You can either hop the bookshelf to the left, or crawl under the overgrowth on the right. Go left and then turn around and find yourself a trading card inside the shelf.
The Flooded City
In the boat, you’ll come to a room where you’re forced to get out and raise a roller door. First, turn back and head toward where the water is breaking, you’ll find a door on the left which leads into an office. Inside a desk drawer in the corner is another trading card.
After the Shambler fight at the W&B Arcade, pry open the shutter door to the Prize Zone. Climb over the counter and find the trading card on the inner wall inside a shelf.
Pushing Inland
Throughout the early stages of the level, you’ll climb up onto a rooftop and climb in through the window to be at the top of the stairs. Rather than go down, turn toward the right and cut through the bathroom to find yourself in a dimmed, green bedroom with a nautical theme. The trading card is on the desk.
The Resort
After you clear the Rattler’s compound out, you’ll walk through the entrance of a house and straight ahead you should see a well-lit mosaic of a map on the far wall. To your right will be a stereo on a hall table, the trading card is hidden behind it.
Congratulations on finding all of the trading cards in The Last of Us Part II, your efforts should have earned you a gold trophy called “Master Set.”
See our full review, more guides and other content for The Last of Us Part II Remastered right here.