ever crisis beta

Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis Has A Flashy New Trailer With A Beta Coming Next Year

Featuring young Sephiroth!

Square Enix has dropped a hype-filled new trailer for Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis – the mobile-exclusive episodic retelling of the entire Final Fantasy VII timeline.

The game will span every story from the Compilation of Final Fantasy VII saga including the original game, Crisis Core, Before Crisis, Dirge of Cerberus and Advent Children. It’s planned to be released in monthly installments and allow players to freely jump into any part of the saga.

A closed beta will be coming to both iOS and Android in mid-2023.

The new trailer gives us a look at some iconic moments from a few of the titles, as well as an idea of how the in-game visuals will be split between stylised, chibi-esque narrative sections and more Final Fantasy VII Remake-quality battle models. It also features a very young-looking Sephiroth with short hair, which is sure to set the internet on fire for at least a few moments today. Take a look below:

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Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion arrives today on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Switch and PC. We loved its ground-up approach to remastering the PSP original and scored it a 9/10, saying, “Crisis Core Reunion is exactly the kind of reverent and carefully-considered re-release that fans of the original deserve.”

Amazon has Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion for $72.99 with free shipping.