project bloom

Game Freak Is Making An Action-Adventure Game In Partnership With Private Division

Let there be a thousand blossoms bloom.

Private Division, one of the publishing labels owned by Take-Two Interactive, has announced its supporting renowned Pokémon developer Game Freak, in producing a brand new action-adventure came.

Codenamed Project Bloom, very little else has been revealed about the title aside from a gorgeous piece of concept art that gives off a very definitive vibe that’s hopefully representative of the game itself – because it looks cool as hell, depicting a lone swordsman standing in a huge and lush forest.

In the accompanying press release, the publisher says that Project Bloom is still in early development and expects the game to launch during Take-Two’s Fiscal Year ’26, which is between April 2025 and March 2026.

“We’re thrilled to have the opportunity to create new IP that is bold and tonally different from our prior work,” said Game Freak Director, Kota Furushima. “From the beginning, Private Division was the publisher we wanted to work with on our new game. Their track record and global expertise give us all the confidence to create a sweeping new action-adventure game that we can’t wait to share more about in the future.”

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Michael Worosz, Chief Strategy Officer, Take-Two Interactive, and Head of Private Division added, “Over the past three decades, you’d be hard pressed to find a studio which has released more iconic hits than Game Freak. We’re ready to help Game Freak unleash their potential and we’re honored to be the first Western publisher to work alongside this exceptionally talented and proven team to bring a bold new IP to market.”

Private Division has a track record of working with creative and inspiring talent across the globe, with titles like Kerbal Space Program, The Outer Worlds, OlliOlli World and Rollerdrome under its belt as well as the upcoming After Us, a game we previewed recently and called a “surreal and promising new indie.”