During its Gamescom showcase, Level Infinite debuted a brand-new trailer for the ambitious Assassin’s Creed mobile RPG previously known as Assassin’s Creed Codename Jade as well as finally revealing the game’s final title – Assassin’s Creed: Jade.
The new Gameplay Trailer for Assassin’s Creed: Jade gives us a good look at just how high-production this mobile spinoff is and how closely it’s aiming to match the recent action RPG mainline entries like Valhalla, with all of the stealth, parkour, combat, horseback traversal and the other good stuff you’d want.
The trailer also reveals that a second closed beta for the game is on the way, with keen players able to register now on the game’s official website. Last time around, the beta was seemingly limited to certain regions when it came to servers but hopefully this new round will be more widely available.
Get an authentic Assassin’s Creed experience, gameplay and features on mobile, for free with Assassins Creed: Jade! Embark on a journey to explore the vibrant world and culture of ancient China and defend against the Xiongnu in this ever-evolving open-world.
Assassin’s Creed: Jade will be set in Ancient China (215 BCE) and feature the full Assassin’s Creed gameplay experience. You’ll also be able to parkour across iconic Chinese locations such as the Great Wall of China and, for the first time in an Assassin’s Creed game, you’ll also get to create your own character.
- Head to the official Assassin’s Creed: Jade website here
- Click on Register & Subscribe at the bottom left
- Enter your email address and click the Send button next to the code field
- Check your email for a code and enter it
- Click Log In
- Wait for the next pop-up to appear and click Agree to accept subscription, then click OK
- You’re now registered and in with a chance!