wolf among us 2

The Wolf Among Us 2 Has Resurfaced In New Official Screenshots

Bigby's back!

It’s been over a year since we heard much of anything about The Wolf Among Us 2, after Telltale games announced in March 2023 that it was delaying the game to an unannounced date this year.

Now, seemingly thanks to Geoff Keighley’s account on X, we’ve got four brand-new screenshots of the game to gaze lovingly at until we hear more. The new screens show protagonist Bigby Wolf in various situations – looking forlorn on a snowy rooftop, looking forlorn in a dirty apartment, looking a little bit mad at something blurry in the foreground, and sitting down.

Take a look:

The game was delayed last year due to the studio’s desire to put out a game that lives up to fans’ expectations while also avoiding burnout and crunch among the team.

“If we put this game out and it’s not ready, we’re going to get torn to shreds,” Telltale Games CEO Jamie Ottilie explained to IGN at the time. “The expectations are pretty high, and we want time to meet those and we want to be proud of it and know that, ‘Hey, this is the best game we could have made.’ Let the world say what they will [once] it’s done, but at least we know that in these times, in these conditions, this is the best game that we could make.”

“I’ve done [crunch], and I don’t want to do it again, and it’s not fair to ask it,” he said. “You can’t plan a business around it. So yeah, part of it is about maintaining a healthy work culture. We don’t want to burn out our good people. It has been incredibly difficult to recruit the last two years between COVID and the labor markets and the growth in the games industry. So certainly, burning people out or grinding them down is the wrong thing to do long-term. It’s not how you build a business. And as an industry, we’re terrible about it. We burn our people out. We burn our best people out faster. And as an industry, if we’re going to continue to grow, we have to stop it. We just have to stop doing it and make better choices.”