Three years since the original Kickstarter and over two years since it entered early access, Hover: Revolt of Gamers has finally officially released on PC, Mac and Linux.
Heavily inspired by Jet Set Radio, Hover is a parkour single and multiplayer game set in a futuristic open world, where you’re working to defeat and taken down an anti-leisure tyranny. But the core gameplay is where it is really at with Hover.

While exploring this futuristic playground in your choice of third or first person, you’ll be doing parkour everywhere, performing tricks, hitting combos, competing in high speed races and spraying graffiti whenever you want. All the while building a team of playable characters, who’s skills you can improve and customize.
One of the stretch goals was even getting the original composer for Jet Set Radio Hideki Naganuma, to be a guest composer for Hover, which was hit along with a whole bunch of goals including bringing Hover to Wii U (although haven’t heard too much about that recently..).
It is easy to see the DNA of Jet Set Radio here especially for the core style and gameplay, but Hover also takes plenty of points from the Tony Hawk series and Mirror’s Edge too in order to create a unique experience.

The parkour in particular is a big take away from Mirror’s Edge and adds another level of verticality to Jet Set Radio’s original skating gameplay. While you will be building scores and combos while bouncing around the many locations in Hover.
You wont be running around by yourself either, as you can switch between single and multiplayer at any time.
Being a huge fan of Jet Set Radio, the gameplay, style and music I didn’t hesitate when backing this game. I’m not one for early access though, so it is great to see it finally out officially.
Hover is out now on PC, Mac and Linux and is set to come to PS4 and Xbox One in Q4 this year. Check out the launch trailer below to get a better idea of the gameplay. If you’re a Jet Set Radio fan you’d be doing yourself a disservice.