Also announced during the Life is Strange portion of the Square Enix Presents event was the Life is Strange: Remastered Collection, which sees the first two games in the series, Life is Strange along with its prequel Life is Strange: Before the Storm, bundled together with enhanced visuals and animation.
The first game really set the bar for tackling timely topics, being socially critical, and penning heartwarming relationships. You can read our thoughts about the original game here. The game’s prequel, Before the Storm, was set three years prior to the original’s story and focused primarily on Chloe Price and, again, it achieved much of what it set out to achieve, as evidenced in our review.
It was also confirmed that Life is Strange: Remastered Collection will be included as a part of the Life is Strange: True Colors Ultimate Edition, although it’ll still be available as a standalone purchase.
Although a specific date and platforms are yet to be confirmed for Life is Strange: Remastered Collection, it’s expected to release during our Spring, meaning we can expect to see its release sometime between September and November.