Some Details About Halo Infinite’s Battle Royale Look To Have Emerged

Following the launch of Halo Infinite’s second season of content, industry insider Jez Corden believes that 343 Industries has enlisted Certain Affinity, a developer with a long history of working on the Halo series, to develop the game’s long-rumoured battle royale.

On his podcast Xbox Two, Corden suggests that the battle royale has been in active development for at least two years and is targeting the Apex Legends and Warzone audience in an attempt to bring new players to the game.

He also believes that the battle royale will be its own separate undertaking, existing separately from Halo Infinite, much like Call of Duty’s annual entries are separate from Warzone.

Interestingly, Corden also suggests that the mode could tie into Forge, which has once again been pushed back in the road map as the team work on it along with co-op.

The most interesting thing about the whole situation is that we’ve known for some time that Certain Affinity has been working on a project for Xbox under the code name ‘Tatanka’. Of course, those familiar with professional wrestling would recall that Tatanka is a former superstar famous for winning a 40-man battle royale in the 90s.