It’s getting closer to that time of the year where the new Call of Duty is released and I was lucky enough to get my hands on some play time. This years release promises a complete overhaul of the whole game with a new game engine, a campaign promised to rival that of Hollywood action blockbusters and a completely redone multiplayer.
We got an in-depth look into the new multiplayer and got some serious hands on time with some matches on a few of the new maps and new game modes. This year they’ve introduced “squads”, where you can customise up to ten soldiers and prestige each one, ten soldiers equals ten levels of prestige. In Ghosts you can fully customise your soldier, from the camo they wear to their patch, even choose whether they’re male or female, a first for the franchise. These squads can be used in all the new squad game modes.
After watching a few videos and a short presentation on the game, including a fly over of the an unreleased map titled “Stonehaven”, we got stuck into creating our soldier and load out. This year Infinity Ward took some ideas from Black Ops 2 with their new 8 point perk system, where you pick a selection of numbered perks adding up to 8 points, and the new weapon class titled the “marksmen rifle” a hybrid between a sniper and AR class.
Getting stuck into the action, the game looks amazing. Thanks to the power of the Xbox One, Ghosts pushes the limits more than ever before. The team have made a new game engine that allows them to make their entire game run smoother and more beautiful than ever. The maps are more detailed than ever and still manages to run at a crisp 60fps. Not to mention how great the new controller fits in your hand, it feels lighter and is easier to navigate around.
And with the new game modes they’ve added, the action is nonstop. We got to try the new “Blitz” and “Cranked” game modes, Blitz being a variant on the old favourite capture the flag and Cranked is the standard team death match with a twist. To score points in Blitz all you have to do is run into the opposing teams portal which teleports you back to your home base, starting the 10 second cool down before you can score again.
In Cranked, as soon as you score a kill you become “cranked” and a thirty-second countdown begins, once you’re cranked you run faster, reload faster, and must score another kill before the countdown reaches zero or you blow up. It makes for a fast, frantic and action packed game that I can see people loving.
After leaving my first thought was I honestly can’t wait till November to get my hands on Ghosts, the new game is surely going to be a top seller for the year. It looks great and feels better, this is why COD has become one of the FPS heavyweights and continues to do so.