LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Continues To Look Really Damn Good

It’s been nearly three years since LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga was announced and we’re now less than a month away from its April 5th release date. I have to say, every time I see this game I’m amazed by how it seems to push the LEGO games forward.

In a brand new video discussing the open world, the team spoke about a lot of enhancements that have been made in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga including a lot more details to locations as well as things such as weather effects that really add to the moodiness of each planet and scenario.


In addition to this, post-launch content for the game has been revealed. Those who purchase the Character Collection will get access to The Mandalorian (Season 1) and Solo: A Star Wars Story which includes The Mandalorian, Grogu, Greef Karga, Cara Dune, IG-11 and Kuiil. The Solo pack will include young Han Solo, young Chewbacca, young Lando, Qi’ra, Tobias Beckett and Enfys Nest.

Also at launch the Classic Characters and Trooper Pack will be available including Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, Han Solo, Darth Vander and Lando as well as the Trooper pack which includes the Death Trooper, Incinerator Trooper, Range Trooper, Imperial Shore Troper and Mimban Stormtrooper.

Packs such as the Rogue One as well as the Mandalorian Season 2 and Star Wars: The Bad Batch character packs will launch throughout April and May.