Woman’s Day Put Out An Ultimate Guide To Fortnite And It’s Bizarre But Pretty Awesome

A few people sent me images of what appeared to be a Fortnite pull out in the latest issue of Woman’s Day this morning.

At first, I was completely shocked at what I was seeing, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

Heading down to the super market earlier this morning, I had a look at the issue on shelves and it’s actually quite informative.

The special edition pull out is about 10-12 pages in length and not only has 50 tips all about building, taking down your enemies and winning your way to a battle royale, it also tells gamers about the best headphones to use as well as the best controllers.

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It makes a lot of sense to be marketing to this demographic as a lot of Woman’s Day’s readers would have younger children playing Fortnite, so not only would this appeal to them, it’s a great way to start a conversation around Fortnite and the safety around playing games online.

At the end of the day, this is the kind of mainstream coverage about games like Fortnite (and others that hit the mainstream) that I can get behind. It’s informative, doesn’t take the piss and will actually help parents understand games like Fortnite which children will continue to play.