The cheapest copy of Starlink: Battle for Atlas starting with local retailers and finishing off with online only deals. We will update with new & special prices as they come in up until launch day.
Toys come to life again this Tuesday, 16th October with the release of Starlink on Nintendo Switch/PS4/Xbox One! Lots of toys and stuff, in addition to the basic Starter Pack, Switch version comes with Starfox.
Big W currently has the cheapest launch day price at $89
Retail Stores:
JB HiFi – $119 Starter Kit
EB Games – $120 Starter Kit, $13 Pilot Packs, $20 Weapon Packs, $50 Starship Packs
Big W – $89 Starter Kit, $12 Pilot packs, $17 Weapon Packs, $39 Starship PAcks
Target – $
OzGameShop – $111 Starter Kit posted
MightyApe – $105 Starter Kit posted
Gamesmen – $100/120 Starter Kit pickup
Amazon – $99 Starter Kit posted
PSN – $120
XBL – $120
eStore – $