The Chill “Reverse City Builder” Terra Nil Is Getting A Switch Release Next Week

Switch on and switch off.

Terra Nil, the ecological strategy game developed by Free Lives and published by Devolver Digital for PC and mobile platforms earlier this year, is getting a Nintendo Switch release next week on December 18th, opening up the experience (which was nominated in The Game Awards for Games For Impact and Best Mobile Game) to an even bigger audience.

The game sees players use advanced eco-tech to rejuvenate and transform a variety of barren wastelands across a number of procedurally-generated biomes, restoring them to their natural beauty in the fallout of humanity’s destruction of the land and resources. Despite the heady message, it’s a chill, peaceful experience that doesn’t require a ton of skill or knowledge as far as sim/strategy games go.

You can watch the Nintendo Switch trailer for Terra Nil below:

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We gave Terra Nil an 8.5/10 in our review when it first launched, saying it… “feels like a short-priced favourite to be the year’s game most capable of inspiring change. With a clear, damning message that we’re no good to our home, I felt Free Lives holding a mirror up to me. I considered my consumption, my waste, and the efforts I could go to to curve my own impact,” and “Terra Nil is a deftly executed environmental strategy game that flips the script and delivers something unique and quite unlike the city-builders you grew up with. It might be a peaceful experience, but its mission statement is gravely earnest.”