resident evil

Capcom Has Confirmed The Next Resident Evil Game With RE7’s Director Returning

Nakanishi is back!

Right at the tail end of today’s Capcom NEXT showcase, in which the company revealed some exciting looks at the upcoming Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, dropped a demo for Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess and spoke a bit more about Resident Evil 7’s iOS port, it also did something surprising and mentioned the next Resident Evil game.

In fact, during the presentation, it was outright confirmed by the man himself that Koshi Nakanishi, director of Resident Evil 7, would be returning to direct the next game.

“It was difficult to figure out what to do after Resident Evil 7,” Nakanishi says in the video.

“But I found it, and to be honest it feels substantial. I can’t share any details yet but I hope you’re excited for the day I can.”

Interestingly, this news does actually line up with a lot of what prominent Resident Evil leaker, Dusk Golem, has been saying about the game before now, including the claims that it’s been in development for around seven years – which would suggest that Nakinishi moved straight from RE7 to the new title while RE: Village was still being worked on.

RELATED:  The Original Dead Rising Is Getting A "Deluxe Remaster"

Dusk Golem recently said, “I have good news/rumors to deliver on Resident Evil 9. The possible delay I had heard murmurs about can be pushed aside. RE9 should be revealed pretty soon & release next year. If what I heard previously holds true, should be in January. It’ll have had about 7 years in dev.”

“January 2025 I hadn’t heard now, just been a date I’d heard previously they probably are still aiming for, but never know in game dev. I won’t leak/rumor any other details of the game, just let Capcom do their thing & let them surprise people.”

You can watch a replay of the Capcom NEXT showcase below: