It was clear that stock for Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy was always going to be hard to find. With a lot of gamers that necessarily wouldn’t pick up many new releases or have never even owned a PS4 before (we’ve heard a lot of reports of people picking up a PS4 along with their copy of Crash), but stock has mostly sold out today, if not yesterday.
I did some digging today across Metro Melbourne stores, Metro Sydney stores and retailers online and stock was almost non-existent or limited (which we found meant that they’d just sold through their last few copies.
We went into Highpoint Shopping centre which is near Melbourne CBD. Despite Target, Big W and JB Hi-Fi all having a dedicated row for the game, all three retailers had SOLD OUT signs with no visible idea of when they’d have stock in again.
JB Hi-Fi, Target and Big W are also all out of stock of the game online, saying that you’ll need to hear into stores to find copies. We used JB Hi-Fi and Target’s store locator and it was incredibly grim. Target is showing no stock anywhere near the CBD and JB Hi-Fi is showing “limited stock – please call you store”. We called a few of these stores and they’d confirmed that they’d sold out now.
We’ve spoken to numerous EB Games stores around the country and whilst most have a few still in stock, they do expect to sell out either today or tomorrow. It’s worth noting that EB Games were the only retailer not to have the game for $49 (but they did have a pretty good trade-in deal).
Speaking with retailers, they were expecting to see more stock of the game by Wednesday mid-week, but it’s also worth noting that a lot of the $49 deals will be over by then, so it’ll be interesting to see what happens.