
Marvel’s Avengers Is Finally Coming To PS5/Xbox Series X

Sqaure Enix has confirmed that Marvel’s Avengers will release on PS5/Xbox Series X on March 18th.

The game will include upgraded visuals, better frame rates, haptic feedback for each hero on PS5, significantly lasted load times, improved destruction and heroic detail. For those that own the PS4/Xbox One versions, you will get a free upgrade with your save going across.

On the same day, the next major character and story will hit the game. Following in the foot steps of Kate Bishop hitting late last year, Hawkeye is joining the game along with a whole new story. It centres around Hawkeye’s quest to find nick Fury, before uncovering a dangerous new weapon that is being built by Scientist Supreme Monica Rappacini. We also got our first look at a twisted new version of Hulk.

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This will be available for free to those who own the game on either current-gen or next-gen consoles.