SOURCE: @Manfightdragon (Twitter)

Ghost Of Tsushima’s Naked Mod Shows Off Jin’s Buns Of Steel In Full Flight

The Aussie legend of modding, Lance McDonald has blessed us with some of his best work yet. Ghost of Tsushima’s Jin running around naked, using the model of Jin from the hot springs sequences.

As with many other video game characters, the front on view of Jin shows that he’s missing one of his main appendages, but you can enjoy the peachy view from the other side.

Ghost of Tsushima is out now on PS4. You can play it on PS5 to enjoy that 60 FPS goodness. Unfortunately, I doubt there’d be a way to get Jin derobed outside of the hot spring, so just enjoy this video for now.

If you’re not already following Lance, we’d definitely recommend you do so so. He’s a great source of knowledge of the modding scene and is constantly providing nuggets of goodness for a large variety of games. You can do that HERE.